Gooooooo CLEANHUB! What a thrill it is for me to be able to partner with one of my favourite sponsors. The champs at CLEANHUB feel just as passionately about the ocean, sustainability and social impact as I do! Within the first months of our partnership, we’ve already been able to raise awareness for ocean protection and collect half a ton of ocean bound plastic by me sailing around the Island of Lanzarote in 9.5 hours.
Check out this video from our project:
Thank you, Carsten Bullemer, founder of Navisense, who has been an avid supporter of my Olympic Campaign from day one. People like Carsten who share my goals and believe in me reaching my goals of winning an Olympic Medal make my journey even more valuable and enjoyable. I'm grateful to share this journey and receive technical intel from the Navisense Team.

The rockstars at Searoutes find and calculate the greenest routes for your freight transports. Searoutes is committed to making freight transportation and decarbonisation work together for a greener and more sustainable international trade. Are you using the greenest route yet?
I'm stoked to represent a company whose values of protecting the planet align with mine.
After having taken the decision to change to German sailnumbers I started researching different sailing Clubs in Germany and quickly figured out which Club I wanted to join. My first choice was the NRV ( Norddeutscher Regatta Verein) located in my new home town Hamburg. It is Germany's most successful sailing Club and I am extremely impressed by the professionalism and especially the interdisciplinary team spirit at this club. Thank you NRV for welcoming me with open arms.

As of 2020 I am sponsored by our local favourite sausage company in Hamburg. Salzbrenner Würstchen support the Olympic sailing team of the NRV sailing club and I am proud to be part of this team.

Starboard and their motto of Innovation and technology provide me withe the fastest boards and confidence while racing. The other thing I love about Starboard is the importance they place on being environmentally friendly and reducing our carbon footprint! Make sure to check out their webpage.
Want to become part of my Team and help me reach my goals? You can find out more about my Olympic Campaign on the link below.